
Name / Description / Event Category Source Date
Supplement To Final Statement of Reason
Supplement to the Final Statement of Reasons for Rulemaking of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Air References California Air Resources Board Apr 13, 2009
Text of Mandatory GH Gas Reporting
Test of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Air References California Air Resources Board Apr 13, 2009
Up Dated Informative Digest
Updated Informative Digest of the Regulation for the Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Air References California Air Resources Board Apr 13, 2009
SCAQMD Rule 1110.2 Periodic Monitoring Protocol
SCAQMD Rule 1110.2 Periodic Monitoring Protoco.l
Air References SCAQMD Apr 13, 2009
ARB Reporting tool 12 19 08
California Greenhouse Gas Reporting Tool.
Air References California Air Resources Board Apr 13, 2009
AB32 Mand. Rptg Comparison april 08
Comparison of Reporting Requirements for The Climate Registry (TCR), The California Climate Action Registry (CCAR) and The California Air Resource Board’s Mandatory Reporting Program
Air References Apr 13, 2009
090109 SCAQMD Letter re ERC Offsets
SCAQMD Letter and Permit Moratorium Fact Sheet 1/9/2009.
Air References SCAQMD Apr 13, 2009
080807 Final WWTP GHG Emissions Discussion Paper V4
White Paper _ WWTP Sector _ GHG Emissions Reporting Protocol
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080807 App A IPCC (2006)
App A _ IPCC
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080807 App B EPA (2007)
App B _ EPA
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080807 App C Table C 1
App C _ Table C_1
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080807 App C Table C 2
App C _ Table C_2
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080807 App D NACWA Comments (2007)
App D _ NACWA Comments
Air References Aug 5, 2008
080619 DRAFT LGO Protocol 061908
The June 19, 2008 DRAFT Local Government Operations Protocol
Air References Jun 18, 2008
080522 CWCCG Comment Letter
CWCCG Comment Letter for the Draft National Water Program Strategy: Response to Climate Change
Air References May 25, 2008
080317 CWCCG Meeting Slides
PowerPoint presentation for the CWCCG Steering and General Membership meeting of 3/17/2008
Air References Mar 30, 2008
080317 CWCCG Meeting Summary
Summary of CWCCG Committee Meeting on 3/17/2008
Air References Mar 30, 2008
080307 PAR 461
Proposed Amended Rule 461 _ Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing.
Air References Mar 1, 2008
080307 PAR 461 FSR Final Staff Rpt
Final Staff Report on Proposed Amended Rule 461_Gasoline Transfer and Dispensing.
Air References Mar 1, 2008
080219 Red Alert Rule 1110 2
On February 1, 2008, SCAQMD adopted amendments to Rule 1110.2, its enginre rule. The first rule compliance deadline to potentially impact SCAP agencies is April 1, 2008.
Air References Feb 26, 2008


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