
Name / Description / Event Category Source Date
Part 2 EPA Engine Program
US EPA Non_road Compression Ignition Engine Program by Karl Lany, Vice President of Regulatory Services SCEC _ Air Quality Specialists. Federal Non_Road Engine Standards and their Impact on Stationary Diesel Engines.
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 3 Portable Engines
Portable Engines by Frank Caponi, Supervising Engineer LACSD. ARB Portable Engine And Equipment Registration Program (PERP), ARB Airborne Toxic Control Measure For Diesel PM From Portable Engines Rated >= 50 Hp, Permitting Strategies PERP/ATCM/Various Loc
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 4 Stationary Engines
Stationary Engine Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) by Jackie Kepke, P.E., Air Quality Regional Technology Leader _ CH2M Hill. Discussion of Stationary Engines starting with ARB’s Stationary Engine ATCM, SCAQMD Rule 1470, AB2588 and Diesel Risk Facto
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 8 Three ARB Programs
"Review of Handouts on three ARB Programs" by Carol Kaufman, MWD. ARB Best Available Control Technology (BACT) Levels. Control Equipment Verification Program, Classification Levels Emission Control Strategies, and Typical BACT Options.
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 5 SCAQMD Dist Generation
"South Coast Air Quality Management District Proposed Distributed Generation Standards" by Daniel McGivney, Air Quality Program Supervisor _ Eastern Municipal Water District. SCAQMD Distributed Generation and SCAQMD Rule 1110.2.
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 6 Local APCD AQMD Regs
"Local District Regulations _ Life Outside Life Outside SCAQMD" by Jacqueline Kepke, P.E., Associate Project Manager _ CH2M Hill. Discuss Local APCD/AQMD Regulations I.C. Engines.
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 9 Cost of Controls
"Diesel Emission Controls: Types and Costs" by Tom C. Fang _ LA County Sanitation Districts. Capital Cost of Controls, Application Issues and Vendor Contact.
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Part 7 SCAQMD Fleet Rules
"REGULATION OF PUBLICLY_OWNED FLEET VEHICLES BY SCAQMD" by Greg Adams Assistant Department Engineer, Air Quality Engineering _ Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts. Discuss SCAQMD Fleet Rules/Advisory, ARB Fleet Rules for SCAQMD, Proposed Diesel PM Co
Air References Oct 17, 2005
Diesel Timeline 5 04
Timeline for implementation of the recently adopted and pending state diesel regulations. The timeline summarizes the adopted or proposed requirements of the stationary, portable and fleet regulations, and lays these out in a timeline format to show when
Air References Jan 26, 2005
Diesel Timeline 7 04
Updated 7/2004 _ Revised timeline for implementation of the recently adopted and pending state diesel regulations. The timeline summarizes the adopted or proposed requirements of the stationary, portable and fleet regulations, and lays these out in a time
Air References Jan 26, 2005
050104 Rule 1401.1 Comment Letter
SCAP Comment Letter to Ms. Elaine Chang of South Coast Air Quality Management District _ Comment on Proposed Rule 1401.1 _ January 4, 2005
Air References Jan 25, 2005
SCAQMD Proposed BACT Part D
South Coast Air Quality Management District _ (November 2004) Draft Staff Report for
Air References Jan 25, 2005
SCAQMD Stationary Source Compliance
AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT: "Stationary Source Compliance Complaint Response
Air References 2004 Jan 25, 2005
Final Statement of Reason GH Gas Reporting

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
09 Cogen

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
Exec Order R 08 008

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
13 CommonMeths

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
07 Cement

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
20 AppendixA FuelData

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009
08 ElectricitySec

Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Nov 11, 2009


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